Saturday, May 26, 2012

Artist 4: Yue Minjun

     This artist is from China, and he has created a series of self portraits that are really interesting. He paints himself with super exaggerated smiles, and often uses repetition and context to convey his message. He also gives each piece a title that is an aphorism about smiling. You can definitely see his Chinese heritage in these paintings from the style which looks like ink to the bamboo to the appropriation of Buddhist imagery to the aphoristic titles. But you can also see elements of American pop culture such as Marilyn Monroe and famous American cartoons.

     I love the caricature style he uses to paint himself. It adds to the sarcasm. I'm not sure exactly what he's trying to say with these pieces, but I'm guessing it's got something to do with making fun of propaganda. I'm also guessing, part of why I don't completely get it is that I'm not from China.

     What I do get from these pieces is his repetition of his self portrait. It adds unity to the series, and becomes a symbol which carries more and more meaning as it's repeated in multiple pieces. I also love the specific facial expression he chose to repeat. It is a smile so big that it seems pained. It really depends on the context of the painting whether it seems happy or angry. It makes me want to know more and ask questions, which is a good thing.

Here are some links with info about Yue Minjun

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